2025 - My Prayer for Leaders
Heavenly Father,
As leaders, you have called us to a tremendous task of leading others: our spouses, children, friends, coworkers, employees, strangers, and anyone we cross paths with - each one of them “running their own race” that you marked out for them. What a tremendous opportunity to serve you and to serve others!
You are the vine; we are your branches. If we remain in you, we will bear much fruit; apart from you, we can do nothing. You are the source of all true life and nourishment. The only way we can grow and be fruitful, both individually and for others, is by staying vitally connected to you. Help us, Father; we cannot do it on our own.
I pray you would equip us to lead with a heart for PEOPLE.
A heart that prioritizes people
A heart that empathizes with people
A heart that observes the needs of others and responds with compassion
A heart that prays for and with people
A heart that loves people
And a heart that encourages people
Heavenly Father, when we recognize it is You we are leading with and for, we can see differently, and we can lead differently. Strengthen us to be your hands and feet, to be salt and light to others. When we see and lead people through Your lens and with Your strength, there is no limit to the transformation that can take place across our homes, families, schools, businesses, and organizations.
Of course, Father God, we, as branches, must be connected to you, the vine, for a fruitful impact on others. An impact that stretches far beyond what our finite minds can comprehend. Prepare us right now to be the leaders you want us to be in all areas of our life. Most importantly, may YOU be glorified in our leadership!
God, You Lead, we will follow.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Pray comes from the closing of Leading with People: A Six Pillar Framework for Fruitful Leadership